Wednesday, July 9, 2014

School Garden Caterpillar Growing and Growing and Growing

Just before school let out for the summer, I took one last look at some of the creatures attracted to the school garden. There were several Eastern Black Swallowtail caterpillars and some eggs on the garden's fennel plants. Fennel and dill are hosts plants for the caterpillars. This is what they eat. I brought one of the caterpillars home and have been having a blast feeding it and watching it grow from a tiny squiggly thing to a plump, colorful, fully-grown caterpillar. Any day now, it will become a chrysalis, so stayed tuned!


Tasfiya Kashem said...

Hi, Ms. Seitz! I just came back from a place called Jackson Heights. We did a lot of early shopping for Eid because my dad would have to work a lot this month. My dad turned on the World Cup immediately when are came back and we all got to swatch the end of it. The score was 0-0 between Argentina and Netherlands. My whole family wanted Argentina to win. They even got extra time and the game was on for 120 minutes! Then they had to do penalty kicks so Argentina won. Woohoo! My dad and brother are the craziest about the World Cup especially my dad. He shouts whenever his favorite team makes a goal or something. He was shocked at yesterday's game when Germany beat Brazil 7-1. Brazil never did that bad before! It's really affected them especially after their best player, Neymar, got injured during a match with Columbia. It's all so tense now!

I'm also becoming busier with my summer assignments for middle school. I'm trying to make them the best I can and give in a lot of effort in my work. I also am doing a lot of it this month so I won't have to do much when we go to Bangladesh because I just want to go out and enjoy my time there with my family and friends. And I can't wait to hear about your caterpillar and when it turns into a chrysalis! I'm also excited and I can't wait for my birthday tomorrow! 11 years old! :) Bye! Talk to you soon!

Ms. Seitz said...

Happy, happy birthday Tasfiya! I hope you have a beautiful day. Make sure to do something nice for yourself....get away from the books for a while. I went to Prospect Park tonight for a picnic and to hear the NY Philharmonic orchestra and then fireworks. A really pleasant night. I'll let you know when the caterpillar starts its metamorphosis!

Tasfiya Kashem said...

Thanks Ms. Seitz! :) Sounds like you had a good day! Picnic in Prospect Park, listening to an orchestra, and then watching fireworks! Sounds VERY relaxing. My dad took us out shopping again today and I just came back about an hour ago. There was so much traffic! But I loved the wind when he started driving on the Brooklyn Bridge to get to Manhatten and on the highways. We bought a cake from Foodtown to eat when we're done fasting for the day. Sometimes I forget that I'm 11 years old today! I also found out I grew 3 inches over the year because we went to the doctor since my mom had some reports she had to talk to them about from her recent appointments at hospitals. It's been a very nice day even though we don't do anything big for birthdays because of our religion. But it's okay to do some things and it doesn't bother me, cause I don't expect anything and stuff. I already have lots of things! But I'm excited because my parents might buy me a new laptop. It's because we have to buy things early since we will be going on vacation in August. And because since I'm going to sixth grade and I'd need internet and a computer to work at since my brother has tons of work on his computer. So it's hard for us to share because he'll have homework and I will too. So we might get one soon especially for that reason. Ms. Seitz, are you going anywhere for vacation? Bye! :)

Tasfiya Kashem said...

P.S. I comment on your blog on my tablet most of the time so the video didn't show on the tablet but its showing now on my brother's computer. Just to make sure, that's your voice in the video right? Cause it sounds a lot like you Ms. Seitz! :) If it is, it's nice to hear your voice again after a while!

Sanjida I Afrose said...

Argentina lost Germany won :( by the way yesterday I saw this bird and I couldn't identify it but I can give you a brief description of how it looked like it is a pretty small bird but it had extremely long tail feathers there brownish greyish feathers and white feathers. Its under wing feathers were White. With its tail feathers it looks big. Makes an ugly chriping sound, can you help me identify it.

Ms. Seitz said...

Sanjida -google mockingbird and see if you recognize it.

Sanjida I Afrose said...

pretty similar but not the same ...

Ms. Seitz said...

Oh well-- maybe a catbird?

Ms. Seitz said...

Well now I am in Texas and the last few days I was in New Orleans...touring around, learning new things. Haven't heard from Tasfiya. Have you?

Sarah Awan said...

Texas?I am gonna move there after middle school.No I have not heard of her.I think maybe she is in the airport or flying the airplane or something like that.

Tasfiya Kashem said...

Oh, sorry I haven't commented in a LONG time! I've just been really busy and I'm working on my summer assignments a lot so I didn't find time to go on the blog. I haven't gone on a plane yet or go to the airport but I will in 2 weeks! :) Hope you're enjoying vacation Ms. Seitz! You must be traveling a lot. Are you going anywhere after Texas? Bye!

And I can't believe Ms. Della Regione is the new principal of PS 230!

Sarah Awan said...

Eid Mubarak Tasfiya!It is gonna be so much fun today!Yay!My dad is fixing the battery for our car and then we are gonna go somewhere I am not sure yet.Yesterday I went shopping with my family.The day before yesterday my family and I went to Brooklyn Bridge Park and we had a picnic at Picnic Peninsula!:)After that we had a long walk just exploring the whole place.I love having long walks.I would rather not do my long walks on a tread mile because it is so boring cause no matter how long u walk u are still stuck in 1 place. Uggh!Anyways I might go to the Morgan Library cuz I am going to all the places that I didn't get to go to in 5th grade that my brother went to.At Brooklyn Bridge Park they are opening a Pier house which is I think a building with a bunch of plants popping out of it.My dad says that they will finish the whole thing in 2 years.Besides that I watched "The Lego Movie" at the Pavillion Theater and it always makes me wanna say: Everything is awesome!!!!!!!Everything is cool when you're part of a team.Everything is awesome, when we're living our dream.Ooooohh ya!