Tuesday, November 22, 2011

What are Variables?

The fifth grade has just started a unit on variables, which is important to understand when undertaking any scientific experiment. A variable is any "thing" that might change or be changed in any experiment. Three are three types of variables:

Independent Variable: The variable you intentionally change or test. It's what you're curious about.
Dependent Variable: The variable that you observe and/or measure. It's the variable affected by the independent variable.
Controlled or Constant Variables: All the other variables. These are the variables that remain the same throughout the investigation. You do not change them.

Monday, November 7, 2011

What is a Bulb?

It's that time of year again! Bulb planting time! While some flowers are grown from seeds in the spring and summer, other plants start out as a bulb. A bulb is an underground storehouse and flower factory. Within the bulb is just about everything the plant will need to sprout and flower at the appropriate time. Bulbs planted in autumn must go through a significant cold period (winter) before they will flower in the spring. Cut open a bulb and this is what you'd find:

Some bulbs are edible, like garlic, which we recently planted in the school garden. You break apart the bulb and plant each separate clove.

Other bulbs are not edible like daffodils and crocuses.

And while we may not eat tulip bulbs, squirrels love them, so when planting tulip bulbs, always cover the soil surface with chicken wire or screen to prevent squirrels from digging them up.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Exciting Day in the School Garden

The Urban Nature Club had oodles of fun today when it "discovered" an enormous grasshopper in the garden. (Actually, Ms. Seitz has seen the grasshopper three times before in the last two weeks.) Apparently, this gorgeous grasshopper has taken up residence in the garden, preferring the third raised bed, which is filled with herbs. Some of the club was eager to hold the grasshopper, which often jumped ever so far, sometimes leaping from student to student. Others were a little cautious when it came to insect intimacy, but they promise that next time, they'll try to get a little more comfortable with this herbivorous creature.