Sunday, December 22, 2013

Sixty-eight degrees in Brooklyn!

Just returned from Prospect Park with two young birders, Sanjida and Tasfiya.

We visited the bird feeders on this balmy day and saw a Downy Woodpecker, White-Throated Sparrows, a male Cardinal, Mourning Doves, House Finches, and Red-Tailed Hawks (three times!). Quite exciting.

Then we went over to the Prospect Park Lake and saw some American Coots with the funny green chicken feet, a raft of Northern Shovelers, plenty of Canada geese, Mallards and Mute Swans.

It's so nice to bird watch with kids who are really interested in what they see and who, when they go home, follow up on their sightings by doing further research and logging in their nature journals.Way to go girls!


Hasib Patwary said...

where did they go

Ms. Seitz said...

Bird watching in Prospect Park

Sanjida I Afrose said...

That's me!

Tasfiya Kashem said...

There's me! I had SO much fun today, Ms. Seitz! :)

Tasfiya Kashem said...

I started laughing when I saw the last photo, when you caught a picture of me in midair, Ms. Seitz!

Tasfiya Kashem said...

I keep looking at pictures of American Coots online. Their feet are so funny and plantish! :)

Hasib Patwary said...

what kinds of birds did you guys see

Tasfiya Kashem said...

Hi, Ms. Seitz. I was just watching the local news, and it said that some people shot three snowy owls this month. My mouth dropped. It was so sad to hear that beautiful creatures like snowy owls were shot. :(

Sanjida I Afrose said...

Merry (late) Christmas!

Ms. Seitz said...

Thank you Sanjida. Hope you are enjoying your break!

Tasfiya: Yes, earlier this month that did happen at JFK Airport. With the owls hanging around the runways, the Port Authority of NY and NJ thought this was a good way to get them off the runways. Then the Audubon Society and many other environmental groups protested and they stopped. Thank goodness.

Hasib: We saw white-throated sparrows, downy woodpeckers, house finches, cardinals, chickadees. Anything else girls?

Ms. Seitz said...

Tasfiya: Maybe you should feature the American Coot in your next issue of the Daily Tweeter!

Sanjida I Afrose said...

Also mourning doves!

Tasfiya Kashem said...

I agree, we also saw Mourning Doves. But, we didn't see Black- capped Chickadees! (like you told Hasib). I keep thinking that we did, although we didnt. Plus, we saw female American Goldfinches, and three Red- tailed Hawks!!! :) Also, I'm glad the Audubon Center, and other groups stopped them from shooting the owls. I'm salso VERY, VERY glad the Audubon Society stopped the Port before they shot any more owls. It would be painful to lose more of those, brilliant, white creatures. By the way, I downloaded pictures of birds from the internet on my tablet. I have a whole gallery with bird pictures! There's this really cute picture where a Tufted Titmouse and a Northern Cardinal were sitting next to each other, side - by - side. And, thanks for the good idea! I should write about the Coots in my newspaper. Well, hope you're enjoying your break! Only three days left of it. (Oh, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!)

Hasib Patwary said...

it must have been really fun when you guys went bird watching

Sanjida I Afrose said...

It was really fun!

Sarah Awan said...

Hi Ms.Seitz!I went to Prospect Park with my family!There are a lot of birds there.It is always handy to bring a pair of binoculars.We have our own pair of them.Bye!

Ms. Seitz said...

Yeah.....good job Sarah. It's great to get the family out there. This can become a family tradition. Do you know what kinds of birds you saw? You can always borrow one of my field guides.