Saturday, May 17, 2014

Kind of Crazy!

Blue Jays are a common sight around Brooklyn. But a blue jay eating a baby bird? Well, that's another story. While blue jays may eat bird eggs and nestlings, they most often go for acorns, nuts, seeds and insects, according to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. But today, in front of PS 230, a blue jay swooped down and snatched a nestling.
Blue Jays often eat nuts, but they are omnivores!

According to custodian Matthew Farrell, who saw the whole thing, a man had found a baby bird and was tucking it safely in a corner when out of the blue came the jay and scooped that baby bird right up! He tried to get a photo, but it all happened so fast!


Tasfiya Kashem said...

Ms. Friedman has these bird cards from the Cornell Lab that she ordered a long time ago, and it has info about each bird on the back. When she read us the card about the blue jay, it said that many people disliked blue jays because that ate other baby birds and nestlings. But, I can't believe that happened in front of the school. The man who found the baby bird must have been really surprised. I would be too, if a blue jay just swooped down and grabbed a baby bird that I had put in a corner. The title of this post is true, that was crazy! It would be really cool to see a pic of it, too bad he couldn't get one. I just searched up a picture of blue jay babies, and they look really cute as a fledgling!!!! If you ever saw a pic of it, you'd understand, because they are ADORABLE! Anyways, poor baby bird. I have a question, did the man know what type of bird the little baby was? Anyways, see you at UNC tomorrow! :)

Sarah Awan said...

Poor baby bird.Why would a blue jay do that?This is crazy........(speechless).........Bye!!

Tasfiya Kashem said...

P.S. I forgot to include this in my first comment. I don't know if you did this on purpose, Ms. Seitz, but I like how you wrote the sentence "Out of the blue came the jay," :)

Sarah Awan said...

Wow!I did not notice that Tasfiya.Hi Ms. Seitz!I am so happy for my Mexican Sunflower.I want to show it to you sometime.It is super tall.About 7 inches tall.Soon I'm gonna get a pot for it from Shanon's.Do they sell pots?I would really like to know.I really am excited for the School Fair.Sabrina and Me are in the school fair comitee and it is feels so good to think that you are doing something to help make P.S. 230 a fun place to be.Bye!!!

Ms. Seitz said...

Tasfiya: That's so funny because I didn't deliberately write "out of the blue." It just happened. And it works! Sarah: I hope to do balloon animals at the fair if they can get me an electric air pump. If not, then I'll do something else. Any ideas? And I am so excited about the Mexican Sunflower. Take a picture of it and email it to me. And yes, Shannon's does have pots.

Tasfiya Kashem said...

Hey, Ms. Seitz. We missed you on Friday. Science isn't as fun when you're not teaching. I can't believe we only see you for two more classes this whole year! :( Anyways, our class went to the Statue of Liberty on Thursday. It was fun. We were supposed to go to the top of the pedastal but later, Ms. Schuckman said she'd rather not go because we would have to wait in line for an hour! My family is going to go there again maybe in the summer. Hopefully, we could go to the pedastal then. I hope the science test went well for the fourth graders. It was easy and fun last year, especially the experiments. Well, I gotta go. Bye!! :)

Sarah Awan said...

I saw a Cardinal this morning.It was the first time in my whole entire life!I also love burritos!They are so amazing!The cardinal was black,had yellow eyes and was a crow!LOL,OMG

Tasfiya Kashem said...

Sarah, the cardinal was black? :o Or did you mean the crow? Since it had yellow eyes, I think you might've seen a grackle. I always used to mistake them for crows but later realized grackles had the spooky yellow eyes and crows had black eyes. Just wanted to be sure, because I was confused when you comment said the cardinal was black.

Ms. Seitz said...

Tasfiya: You are right! I think Sarah saw a grackle. I like them. Their feathers are all irridescent. They like to travel in groups. And I will be giving you a permission slip for the June 2 trip to Brooklyn Grange. Let's hope for amazing weather. I think it will be very exciting.