Tuesday, March 20, 2012

New York City is NATURE CENTRAL!

Kids are always amazed when I tell them that hawks and owls nest in New York City. Here's another example of nature co-existing with the city--two red-tailed hawks perched on a 12th floor ledge of a building near Washington Square Park in Manhattan. What a view they have from their cozy, little home. You can watch these predators (and their two eggs!) 24/7 by tuning to Hawk Cam 2012, a partnership between The New York Times and New York City Audubon. The address to spy on these carnivores is: http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/03/12/the-hawk-cam-is-back-for-another-season. Happy virtual birding!


Tasfiya Kashem said...

I love hearing about these marvelous birds in the city! :) Red- tailed hawks make me interested the most!

Sarah Awan said...

I agree.