Friday, December 20, 2013


As many of you know, each year my fifth-graders are given a design and build a craft that will protect a raw egg from a 2.5-meter fall using ONLY the materials I give to each team. Well, this year, the challenge was a little difficult because I changed-up the materials. Only two eggs in the entire fifth grade survived. The winners are Matthew, Eric and Ariel from 5-315 and Ollie, Jason, Danny and Zohaib from 5-307.

But that didn't stop some students from trying to perfect their craft.

Imran, Muallim and Hasib from 5-313 asked me for materials so they could design a new craft on their own time. I obliged and then the boys met me for lunch and dropped their craft. Unfortunately, the egg cracked again.

But the boys didn't give up!

On their own, they acquired the materials and with the masterful design strategy of Imran and the enthusiastic, non-stop work on Muallim, they built another craft. Today, on the last day of school before the holiday break, the boys again met me at lunchtime, this time with Jaif and Gabriel in tow. They also showed up with a brand new jar of Skippy Peanut Butter. But more on that later.

The craft was quite impressive.

Then came the moment. The egg was dropped, and low and behold, SUCCESS! The boys went wild.

For fun, the boys also placed the egg in a jar of peanut butter and dropped it, and that too worked.

The moral of this sorry? NEVER, EVER, EVER GIVE UP!


Sanjida I Afrose said...

That's cool how they used a brand new jar of peanut butter! That's really good how they didn't give up and at the end they accomplished what they wanted!

Sarah Awan said...

No wonder there were so less boys in our class during recess.The peanut butter jar idea was great!I never would of thought of that!When will you call?

Anonymous said...

where is the video ms.seitz

Hasib Patwary said...

where is the video ms.seitz

Ms. Seitz said...

Hasib: I'm having trouble loading it. I'm not sure how to do it. But I'm trying..... Didn't know Saiful was your cousin!

Tasfiya Kashem said...

I'm very entertained, which is why I'm writing again. I was just looking at the Ontario Feederwatch Cams, where 2 MALE Pine Grosbeaks were fighting over a FEMALE Pine Grosbeak. Hilarious!And, nevermind that I'm not going to the trip. I was just writing when I recieved your call. THANK YOU FOR CALLING! I was SO worried I couldn't go! I'm gonna go get ready. :)