Monday, March 31, 2014

It's Springtime and Love Is In The Air!

Today during Urban Nature Club we cleaned up the garden a bit and then watched as a male pigeon followed a female pigeon in front of the school. The male puffed himself up, trying to look all big and handsome so the female would notice him. He continued this behavior as he tagged along behind her. She really didn't pay much attention to him, instead pecking on the ground perhaps looking for seeds. But the male was relentless. He kept bobbing behind her and then even began performing circles around her. She still didn't seem interested, but he kept at it. You gotta give the guy credit. He was not giving up!
Then a strange thing happened. The male and female all of a sudden touched beaks in what we all thought was a quick smoochie-smoochie. Then the male quickly got on top of the female and a second or two later jumped off her and they just continued walking around like nothing happened. But something did! We had just witnessed two pigeons mating!!!!!!
I did a little research and apparently, male and female pigeons mate for life. How romantic! And when the male and female were doing what we thought was a little smoochie-smoochie, the male was actually feeding the female by regurgitating (throwing up) food into her mouth. Yum, right? Well, she must have like that because she didn't mind when the male jumped on her flapping his wings to maintain his balance.
So, I guess these two are now a couple. And we were at the wedding. May they have healthy and happy chicks some time in the near future!

Sunday, March 9, 2014


Some individuals have asked for a rubric for the endangered species project. While the handout explains what I expect from each student, hopefully this rubric will make my expectations clearer. Have fun with the project. I can't wait to read them all!


Research Sheet completed in full and attached to project. Name, Class and Endangered species written on the project.
Research Sheet almost completed and attached to project. Name, Class and Endangered Species written on the project.
Research Project only partially completed and attached to project. Some aspect of the Name, Class and Endangered Species requirement is missing.
Did not attached Research Sheet to the project. Name, Class, and Endangered Species written on the project.

Bibliography included on worksheet and contains three or more resources.
Bibliography included on worksheet and contains two resources.
Bibliography included on worksheet and contains one resource.
No bibliography included on worksheet.

The student fully describes the characteristics of their chosen species, including scientific name, physical characteristics, country of origin, habitat, diet, lifespan, life cycle, and family dynamic.
The student mostly describes the characteristics of their chosen species, but leaves out two or fewer important details.
The student does not completely describe the characteristics of their chosen species and leaves out three or more details.
The student provides little information on their chosen animal, begging the reader to want to know more.

The project is clearly written in the student’s own words. Shows that student can take research and restate it in an original and engaging way.
Most of the project is written in the student’s own words.
Some of the project is written in the student’s own words.
Most of the material is cut and pasted from the Internet and shows little original writing. In other words, lots of plagiarizing.

Three or more threats to their species is clearly discussed and described.
Two threats to their species is clearly discussed and described.
One threat to their species is clearly discussed and described.
Unclear what the threats are to their species.

Three or more efforts to save their species and attributed to an organization, group, individual or government entity clearly discussed and described.
Two or more efforts to save their species and attributed to an organization, group, individual or government entity clearly discussed and described.
One effort to save their species and attributed to an organization, group, individual or government entity clearly discussed and described.
Unclear what is being done to protect their species from extinction.

Student shows plenty of creativity either in writing or drawing and displays original thinking.
Student shows some creativity either in writing or drawing and displays original thinking.
Student minimal creativity either in writing or drawing and displays original thinking.
Student cuts and pastes images and/or writing and shows little enthusiasm for the creative process.