Friday, March 8, 2013


Students sometimes tell me that brown eggs are better than white eggs, that brown eggs are healthier. Well, that's not true. In fact, egg color has nothing to do with healthiness or taste. It has to do with the chicken that laid the egg. Simply put, different chicken breeds or kinds lay different colored eggs.

This Rhode Island Red lays brown eggs
Americauna Hens actually lay LIGHT BLUE eggs!
Leghorn Hens lay white eggs
Here are come other eggs "colored by nature" and the chicken breed that lays them

Saturday, March 2, 2013


In my morning program, we have been studying different types of scientists. One of the scientists we studied is Charles Darwin, who lived from 1809-1882. His research changed the way we think about the natural world. He traveled all around the world studying different organisms and devised his Theory of Evolution, which was revolutionary at the time. Most scientists then believed that plants and animals  pretty much remained the same throughout time. But Darwin believed in "natural selection," meaning that only species that successfully adapted to the changing requirements of their habitat would survive while the rest wouldn't evolve and would eventually die off and disappear.

For a great explanation of how natural selection works, go to: